Bike Riding Changes Your Life

Don’t second guess yourself. Don’t overthink it before you go bike riding. Your mind will play tricks on you, and keep you in the inertia of doing nothing. Listen to your inner Eddy Merckx …

“Ride as much or as long or as short as you feel. BUT RIDE.” – Eddy Merckx

One of the reasons I gravitated to cycling was its low barrier to entry, beyond the bicycle itself.

You see, once you’ve learned to ride, advanced techniques are nearly unnecessary. It takes none of the tricky arm and leg techniques of swimming. No hand-eye coordination like tennis. A straight forward motion, with your legs pumping. So simple. And still full of enough challenge to keep you motivated for more!

What Might Your “More” Be?

Your bike riding could be as straightforward as commuting. Pocket your money on gas, parking, car insurance, and transit fees. And more important … You’ll be improving your health and extending your life with the #1 evidence-based method: exercise!

Adventure travel may be another challenge for you. On your own, or on a fully supported and coached riding tour. See different corners of the world through the freewheeling experience of your bicycle.

Or your seasonal goal could be riding a Big Ride Event. It could be an organized gran fondo, or a charity fundraising ride. These Big Events have many distance options. So you can choose one within your training reach this season.

And of course there’s the exciting world beyond bike riding: Bike Racing! Preparation is your key to fantastic racing experiences. You’ll need a build-up of training volume. Then add the right doses of intensity to hang-in or surge ahead.

Riding is the one activity in life you have full control over. No one else pedals for you. No one else changes gears for you. You can turn left, right or turn around.

So How Would It Feel …

If you were in the best shape of your life? Grab your bike and go find that more powerful, improved version of yourself. Through all your riding, you’ll reach your potential.

Cycling is a way to play in life, even as adults. Ride pressures and anxieties away. Find the mental balance you’ve been looking for. It can drive your self-esteem through becoming physically fit.

Accomplishment. Freedom. Adventure. Riding your bike will deliver them all.

Discover your “more” …

Basic Bike Riding Skills